Book Us

We are expanding our reach to accomodate you.

Bandittude was formed To create a system that enables equal opportunities for women in music by creating job opportunities and a platform for talent expression and development. We are therefore looking for enthusiatic, open-minded muscians to join our platform.

We are not neccessarily interested in how many scales or riffs you can play or how fast. We are more interested in your passion for growth, ability to play well with other musicians, your openness to learning and very importantly, be a disciplined musician. It is that simple
You will need to have had at least 2years playing experience. Also, There will be a free 3-month in-house intensive training so please be ready to work.

To join our our platform, fill the form below, download our required repertoire starter list and score the songs.
(You will be asked to play some of them during audtions.)

Fill in you personal details

Let's get to know you

Provide details of your work experience

Where and with whom have you played?

Click here to download our repertoire starter list